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Why HoneyRoots?

In a world obsessed with speed, from fast food to instant connections, the race towards love often skips a crucial lap - that which makes it last.

Stats for 2024 are in and they tell a stark story: nearly half of all marriages hit the rocks, with a divorce occurring in the U.S. every 42 seconds.

So, what's the glitch in our love matrix? Are we too blinded by the initial thrill to spot the red flags, or are we just not wired for lasting love? We dived in to find out.

Fact is - navigating relationships is no walk in the park. Humans, with all our complexities and self-serving tendencies, are prone to screwing things up, as biopsychology kindly reminds us.

But, there’s a silver lining. A method to the madness. HoneyRoots gives you a crystal clear picture of what your unique relationship needs and how to make it work - helping you craft a love story that defies the odds.

Don't be another statistic; invest in your relationship and join the waiting list today. HoneyRoots isn't just an app; it's your no-nonsense ally in building a love that lasts


It's tailor-made for couples who are not just curious but committed and courageous - those ready to put their back into it. If that sounds like you, we believe you’ll fall in love with what HoneyRoots will open you up to.

Meet The Founders

We're Angelica & Ayo - a love, sex & relationship expert and a tech wiz. We created HoneyRoots because we needed it ourselves.

When our honeymoon phase was over, we found ourselves having to fight for our relationship - exhausting all the tools, resources and skills we had.

Until we stumbled upon the scientific formula for lasting love and turned it into an automated, reliable process that ultimately saved our relationship.

Five years in and we were back in the honeymoon effect. That's when we realised, we had to make it accessible to every couple, everywhere.